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Discover Copenhagen

Discover Copenhagen

Capital of Denmark, what a million Danes call home, is the lavishly catchy city - Copenhagen. It has been crowned the best city in the world in a survey of global urban treasures. This "friendly old girl of a town" is big enough to be a metropolis with shopping, culture and nightlife par excellence. Copenhagen, the premier capital of Northern Europe, is Scandinavia's most fantastic city and the centre of the most dynamic region in Europe, the Øresund Region. The city is one of Europe's oldest capitals with a royal touch - the monarchy in Denmark is the oldest in the world!

Copenhagen has attractions and sights to suit every taste and interest – and most of them are within walking distance. He three most famous attractions in the city are: The more than 100 year old amusement park Tivoli, the statue of The Little Mermaid, and the Freetown of Christiania. Considered one of the greatest works of Danish Rococco architecture the Queen's residence is, made up of four identical buildings spread around the octagonal courtyard. Christiania, the free town within the city, is without a doubt one of Denmark’s most popular tourist attractions. Christiansborg Palace houses the Danish Parliament, Supreme Court, and Ministry of State. A new fairytale is a charm every day. The romantic Tivoli Gardens Amusement Park is a glorious blend of time-honoured tradition and modern technology. Carlsberg is among the largest tourist attractions in Copenhagen.

If you haven't thought of Copenhagen for the perfect city break, prepare to think again.